Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Different Approaches in The Wisdom of Teams

Jon R. Katzenbach is a director of McKinsey & Company, Inc., where he has served the senior executives of leading companies for over thirty years. His experience includes work with both public and private sector clients from the industrial, financial, and consumer industries. He has also served a variety of nonprofit institutions. He specializes in issues involving corporate governance, organization, and leadership. Douglas K. Smith is a former consultant at McKinsey & Company, Inc., who today is a leading commentator on organizational performance and change. Simply, teams outperform people working alone. This is especially true when the performance requires multiple skills, judgements, and experiences. Consultants or former consultants of large consulting firms wrote the Wisdom of Teams. The Wisdom of Teams authors have roots at McKinsey. A consulting firm based out of Dallas Texas. The authors have spent considerable time working with teams, studying them and are now using their books to impart that knowledge to those seeking to form, develop and facilitate successful teams in their organizations. However, the two books take very different approaches. Teams are one of the catchwords of the 90's. And with them has come an explosion of literature telling us what teams are and what they are not; how to create them, measure them, use them and empower them. A new vocabulary has emerged that distinguishes work groups from work teams, and self-directed teams from all other teams. Some of the essential lessons learned about teams and team performance are: – Teams do not arise without a perforce challenge that is meaningful to those involved. – Real team†s results will be greater if the leaders aim their sights on preference. – Biases toward individualism cannot interfere with the team†s goals. The Wisdom of Teams presents lessons learned from the success and failure of actual teams. The authors base their wisdom on personal experience along with extensive interviews conducted with 50 different businesses. Katzenbach and Smith's lessons are supported by case studies. â€Å"Real† teams are the focus of the book. According to Katzenbach and Smith, a â€Å"real† team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. These elements of a team — purpose, performance goals, common approach to work and mutual accountability — define what teams are and how they should be managed. Teams are distinguished from work groups in that the work they perform is collective as opposed to the sum of individual contributions, leadership roles are shared, and the team does real work together that result in a specific product or service being delivered. This distinction is important, because the focus of the book is on what teams are, what it takes to become a team and how to exploit the potential of successful teams. The authors also present useful guidelines for determining when to use a team and when to use a work group. Teams are not presented as an organizational ideal. In fact, Katzenbach and Smith encourage looking at the organization's goals and policies to determine if a team or work group is the best choice. Their bias is that teams are worth the trouble where they support organizational goals. In their view, the potential of teams is unlimited and cultivating real teams is one of the best ways of upgrading the overall performance of an organization. Katzenbach and Smith's advice is simple, straightforward, and practical. They look at teams in an organizational context. Certain elements are critical to team success. The organization needs to have or develop a strong â€Å"performance ethic.† In other words, compelling clear purposes and performance standards need to be an important part of the organization's culture. According to Katzenbach and Smith, performance, not chemistry, shapes teams. â€Å"Real† teams emerge when the individuals in them take risks involving conflict, trust, interdependence, and hard work. Making conflict constructive by developing ways to handle differences and concerns and molding them into common goals is when real teams emerge. The authors suggest achieving this by establishing urgency and clear direction in teams, selecting members based on skill balance, not personality, and with opportunities to learn from each other. Establishing clear start-up rules for behavior and seizing upon a few immediate performance-oriented tasks that are challenging but achievable also help teams develop. Spending lots of time together and giving positive feedback are key. The authors describe the senior management team as the hardest to establish they present this as a fact of organizational life that can be addressed. Their solution: start by creating a strong senior management work group and go from there. Many successful organizations using teams have them. The authors are also realists. The difficulty teams may face such as lack of management direction is described with suggestions for addressing them. Finally, and maybe most importantly, Katzenbach and Smith are optimists. They believe that most people are able to lead. Leaders need to provide guidance and give up control and most importantly believe in the team and put them first. It is that attitude, belief in the team, that is the most important characteristic of a leader. They conclude that a strong performance ethic leads to the pursuit of common performance results that benefit customers, shareholders, and employees. An overemphasis on any one area creates distortions that lead to turf battles and politics. Managers must demand and then relentlessly support pursuit of performance by teams. This clear simple model can easily be applied to any type of organization. All of this advice is offered while keeping jargon to a minimum. In fact, the book starts by acknowledging what we all know creating change in an organization can be difficult. Yet, The Wisdom of Teams provides simple strategies, to analyze organizational readiness, and alternatives that will get your organization closer to a real team environment. It outlines the basics elements of team and then offers techniques for sticking to them to achieve success. You do not need to be a process consultant to make teams work in Katzenbach and Smith's world. In addition, this is the book's greatest strength. While the advice offered is good, the book could be much more concise and easier to read. Many of the points are redundant. This is a good book for the beginner, who wants to understand the issues.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Learning Media Assessments

Assessment is a tool used in education and it is an important component of learning. The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student's learning, I administered four types of assessments to Camila, a 2 and a half years old Hispanic girl. The assessments administered to Camila were: Denver II, checklist, anecdotal, and interest survey. Denver II: Physical The Denver II assessment was designed to monitor the development of infants and preschool-aged children; it includes the screening of the four domains, Personal-social: which is getting along with people and caring for personal needs, Fine Motor-Adaptive: this includes eye hand coordination, manipulation of small objects, and problem solving, Language: it includes hearing, understanding, and using language, and Gross motor: it includes sitting, walking, jumping, and overall large muscle movement in general. The scoring is as follow: P= pass- child successfully performs item, F= Fail- child does not successfully perform item. NO= No opportunity- the child has not had the chance to perform the item, or report from caregiver is that child does not do the item due to restrictions from caregiver or other reasons, and R= Refusal- the child refuses to attempt the item, this can be minimized just by asking the child to do the item rather than asking. Purpose: The purpose of the Denver II assessment is to screen children from 1 to 6 years of age for possible developmental problems or issues, to confirm suspected problems with an objective measure, and to monitor children at risk for developmental problems. The assessment was administered with the mother participation; with the gross motor part done outside. I tried to make both of them comfortable; to do the fine motor screening, Camila sat at the floor and her mother sat beside her. I explained to the mother that the child was not expected to pass all the items, but we were going to allow the child to manipulate the items to be used to feel comfortable by the time the activity was done. A set of blocks were given to Camila and she was told to make a tower with eight blocks. Camila carefully piled ten blocks making sure all the blocks were straight. She made three other towers with the other blocks. Camila imitated a vertical line.Camila, her mother and I went outside to do the gross motor part, Camila's mother showed Camila how to jump a broad jump and throw the ball over her head, she then encouraged Camila to imitate her; three trials were given to do the broad jump, the first two times scoring a F and the third a P. Camila's mother and I praised Camila for her efforts in doing the tasks.To minimized bias, I performed the assessment in Spanish; I explained the tasks we were going to work to Camila's mother before doing them. I gave her a copy of the assessment for her to read the items at the same time I was asking them. I asked the mother first about each item then we asked Camila to do each task to confirm her development.Checklist: Social and EmotionalA checklist is a tool for identifying the presence or absence of conceptual knowledge, skills, or behaviors. Checklists are tools that state specific criteria and allow teachers and students to gather information that can provide an informal profile of each child. Checklists also help teachers to make judgements about what students know and can do in relation to the outcomes. Checklists allow teachers to consistently monitor and document progress and focus extra attention on the items that mark deficiencies in development growth. The checklist may assess domains such as fine and gross motor, expressive and receptive language, intellectual, social-emotional, and self-help skills. These checklists provide information about what a child can and cannot do in each developmental area. Teachers can use this information to help set goals for a child and plan activities that help the child progress. An example of a developmental checklist, Observation Checklist for Teachers, is at the end of this chapter. Other checklists provide teachers with a record of what learning centers the children choose, or which materials they use most often. They are helpful in assuring, for example, that children who spend most of their free time in the art area are encouraged to explore other activity centers. The teacher can help the child make this transition by setting up a favorite art activity in another part of the room, such as painting clouds and the sky for a castle that will be built with blocks and small boxes Purpose: The purpose of checklists is to identify and record student's, skills, strategies, attitudes, and behaviors that are necessary for effective learning. Checklists can also be used to communicate a student's learning to his/her parents.The assessment was administered during several days of observation during play and circle time. I observed Camila's choices and decisions when she was playing in the pretend area. Camila played along other children and imitated what another girl did when playing with a small doll. During circle time she waited for her turn to hold the ball when playing a game. Bias was minimized when I wrote only the facts and focus on Camila's strengths Observation: Anecdotal record: CognitiveAn anecdote is an account of an event in a child's day; the record of this event can be detailed or brief. In other words is a short story detailing the facts of an event in the child's day. These short reports described in a factual way, the incident, its context, and what was said or done by the participant. On most cases anecdotes focus on very simple, everyday interactions among children, adults and children, as well as materials and children in the environment. Purpose: Anecdotes capture the richness and complexity of the moment as children interact with one another and with materials. These records of child behavior and learning accumulated over the time enhance the teacher's understanding of the individual child as patterns or profiles begin to emerge. Behavior change can be tracked and documented and placed in the child's portfolio resulting in suggestions for future observations, curriculum planning and student or parent conferences. The anecdotes or observations were done during center time; my observations were done of what Camila did and what she said while she was playing with the blocks and the farm animals. Camila built a tower of eight blocks and called the teacher to see it, she then made other small towers and put the animals on the top of each tower; she clapped her hands when she saw the results. Camila also used other blocks to make a little cage for the baby animals.Bias was minimized when I wrote only the facts and quotes she used when playing. I also focused only on Camila's strengths.Interest survey:Interest surveys provide valuable information from students that teachers can use to establish and maintain positive relationships; provide information of the students' individual needs and preferences. Purpose: The purpose of the interest surveys is to help teachers in choosing the appropriate materials and instructional decisions based on the expressed interests for each student. Students are more likely to be engaged if the instruction connects to their interest. I started the survey with Camila by showing several books; Camila looked at the books and grabbed the book of Brown Bear. I let Camila look at the book for a while and then showed her the survey and explained to her what she needed to do. I covered the survey and uncover just the question I was asking at the time. I also provided the stickers to use one at a time for her to choose the answer she wanted. Bias was minimized when the survey was done in Spanish and Camila was let to put on a sticker on each answer she chose. Camila took her time to put the sticker on the desired picture and I let her take her time looking at the survey's question and pictures.

Save A Girl

Save girls, save the girl child, is a campaign in India to end the gender-selective abortion of female fetuses. Aborting a foetus because it is female is a major social problem in India and has cultural connections with the dowry system that is ingrained in Indian culture, despite the fact that it has been prohibited by law since 1961. In India a strong preference for sons over daughters exists, unlike in Western cultures. Pregnancies are planned by resorting to ‘differential contraception'. Following conception, foetal sex is determined by prenatal diagnostic techniques after which female foetuses are aborted.Social discrimination against women and a preference for sons have been promoted. Pre-natal sex-determination was banned in India in 1994. This act aims to prevent sex-selective abortion. But it is estimated that more than 10 million female foetuses have been illegally aborted in India. Researchers for the Lancet journal stated that 500,000 girls were being lost annually through sex-selective abortions. The dowry system in India is often blamed; the expectation that a large dowry must be provided for daughters in order for them to marry is frequently cited as a major cause for the problem.Pressure for parents to provide large dowries for their daughters is most intense in prosperous states where high standards of living, and modern consumerism, are more prevalent in Indian society. In India, dowry is the payment in cash or some kind of gifts given to bridegroom's family along with the bride. Generally they include cash, jewellery, electrical appliances, furniture, bedding, crockery, utensils and other household items that help the newly-wed set up her home. The dowry system is thought to put great financial burden on the bride's family.It has been one of the reasons for families and women in India resorting to sex selection in favor of sons. Female foeticide has led to an increase in human trafficking. In 2011, 15,000 Indian women were bought and so ld as brides in areas where foeticide has led to a lack of women. Government response to the problem has been known to not have stopped female foeticide from occurring. The existence of several loopholes in the system means the practice of sex-selective abortion continues.An example of one of these loopholes would be on the pretext of checking for genetic disorders in the foetus, who can stop a doctor from examining the sex of the unborn child and informing the parents in secret. Authorities often let the unlawful parents and doctors off with light punishment. Often, when the mothers disobey the husband’s family decision to abort the female foetus and report it to the authorities, the suits are ignored or given a light sentence: The mother is targeted for bearing girls and disobeying the family’s decision to abort the child.She may even lose her job, be expose to constant death threats, and be left with unresolved cases. In addition, others who give birth to girls are prone to violence. Even if she is able to give birth to the baby girls, the family is likely to not report the births and even murder them. The â€Å"Beti Bachao† campaign is supported by human rights groups, non-governmental organizations, and state and local government in India.Beti Bachao activities include large rallies, poster campaigns, wall paintings, billboards, and television commercials and short animations and video films. Some celebrities have become involved in â€Å"Save the girl child† initiatives. Another example of an organization, or campaign designed to help or promote girls right’s and lift them out of poverty is â€Å"Because I am a Girl†. It is geared towards equipping, enabling and engaging girls of all ages to acquire the assets, skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in life.The campaign focuses on inequality faced by girls in developing countries, and promotes projects to improve opportunities for girls in education, medical c are, family planning, legal rights, and other areas. The campaign has reported some success in parts of India. In 2009, it was reported that in Gujarat, rates of female births increased from 802 to 882 for every 1000 male births. India declared the year 2007 as â€Å"Awareness year of female feoticide†. Beti Bachao activities were credited with this improvement.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Pros and Cons of Teacher Websites Research Paper - 1

Pros and Cons of Teacher Websites - Research Paper Example Classroom websites have been recognized for their simple yet valuable contribution to the educational world, but not without a fair share of negative points. Either way, the users of this tool should evaluate whether these flaws outweigh the contribution that it makes to learning. The main function of a classroom website is to serve as an additional and convenient method for the teachers to share information with their students. From this, spring the many advantages of having a classroom website. The fact that it is a technology-based tool, however, has certain disadvantages. One large advantage of this is that teachers can always leave notes as reminders for the student on this website. The notes can be pertaining to any important matter discussed in class, which the teacher does not want the students to forget. This especially includes things like homework, announcements, and class rules. A student who cannot recall the homework assigned for a subject can simply log on to the website to see the reminder that the teacher left for the students. This however, requires the teacher to update the website after every single lesson (Greenspan, 2002). This can be a time-consuming activity, especially for teachers who have multiple classes to manage. Apart from this, the teacher may also use this website to make announcements and share news. This includes announcements such as informing the class of an upcoming fieldtrip or the cancellation of a class. The need for such announcements usually arises after class stands dismisses. Thus, if the teacher posts such announcements online, this saves the teacher the trouble of having to inform the students through other, lengthier means, and it also ensures that the news is displayed.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Pantomime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pantomime - Essay Example t she doesn’t fit the demands and definition of what is expected of women in a corset and crinoline world.She struggles both biologically and psychologically with the notion of both having two genders in one body.Inaddition,stemming from his past in dealing with his present circumstances,he finds that he has to properly handle his sexual feelings as pertains to his fellow aerialist Aenea and the white clown Drystan.They realize that there was nothing perturbing about a person being intersex and that there was more to it than was thought.This realization dawned on them both- Micah and Gene,when they had made the decision to lead their own lives as they were, and when the mysterious secrets of the world suddenly opened in 10,860. Pantomime is a story about two different people trapped in the same body but who in their own different ways have impacted onto each other’s lives significantly.Moreover,whilethe intimate manner in which the author has treated sensitive issues generally associated with intersex people to be deeply moving and empathichowever,it is not clear if the author precisely sought out the real information and experience from intersex people inspite of the fact that through the story,she appears to acknowledge rather than defend a lot of uncertainties existing by default between the two genders.But she brings out the point clearly when Micah and Gene question themselves in order to find out exactly whether their attraction is matter driven by the masculine or feminine nature.Thus, in as much as anybody is who they are,but could a person’s biological sexuality really be the yardstick of defining who they are? Pantomime as a story,alternates between past and present and narrates Gene and Micah’s history as composed of elements of both shame and acceptance-especially from the brother Cyril,the unpleasant experiences with doctors and potential suitors,and in addition the need to keep secrets.Throughout the story,it is clear that there is a close

Saturday, July 27, 2019

African Americans Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

African Americans - Assignment Example The fact that I chose the incorrect answer to half of the questions on the quiz shows that my knowledge of Native American history, culture and contemporary living conditions could be much better. This might reflect something of an ignorance about these issues in society generally. The figures for suicide attempts among young people were shocking. However, perhaps more surprising still was the fact that within a century of Columbus’ landing in the Americas, over 95% of the Native American population had been wiped out, both through violence and infectious diseases. The inhumane treatment of the existing American population by the first European settlers was quite obviously a terrible and dark period at the beginning of modern American history. That Columbus ordered all those on Haiti who failed to provide sufficient quantities of gold to be killed, and the enslavement of many Native Americans, demonstrates a perception on the part of those early settlers that the Native Americans were inferior beings – a perception which we, living in the 21st century, quite rightly find disturbing and incomprehensible. Perhaps the main thing I learnt is that, while terrible injustices were committed against the Native American populations in past centuries, in many ways the deplorable living conditions in which many of their successors live today means that the period of oppression has not yet been brought to an end. It is sobering to consider that this painful era in our nation’s history continues in some sense. Completing this quiz, and reading the historical and social information it provided, makes me consider myself fortunate to live in an America where all Americans really are citizens. While serious injustices remain, we can at least be confident that the modern US provides a better environment in which they can be resolved. As a business person, I am struck by the inequality of opportunity in our country, with Native American young people

Friday, July 26, 2019

Bank analysis paper-Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bank analysis paper-Economics - Essay Example The second part is done in order to get an idea about the safety and soundness of Citibank Las Vegas branch from a depositor’s perspective. There are a number of ways to examine the profitability of a bank; for example, for measuring the after-tax rates of return, ROA (the return on assets) and ROC (the return on capital), are extensively utilized for testing the performance of banks. The analysts and regulators of the bank use these measures in order to assess the performance of other players in the industry as well as to forecast trends in market structure. This helps them to gather data to predict bank failures and mergers, and also to come up with a strategy that serves the interests of their bank well. Return on assets (ROA) of a firm is an indicator of how profitable the firm is relative to its total assets, and is calculated by dividing the net income of the firm by its total assets. ROA gives us an idea about how efficient the management of the firm is at generating earnings by using its assets. A higher ROA percentage is considered better as this means that the same level of investment is yielding more earnings for the firm. Citibank’s net income in the year 2009 was $107,923,000,000, and its total assets were worth $1,161,361,000,000. This results in a ROA of 9.3% for the year 2009 which is considerably higher than the ROA recorded in 2008 (74,767Mn/1,227,040Mn = 6.1%). This suggests that there has been a rise in Citibank’s ability to earn with lesser amounts of input i.e. the profitability of Citibank has increased. Return on Capital (ROC), on the other hand, is a measure of how efficiently a firm uses the money that has being invested in its processes. It is being measured by the division of net income and the total capital. ROC should always be greater than the rate at which the firm borrows money. This is to ensure that an

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Zora Neale Hurston and James Langston Hughes Essay

Zora Neale Hurston and James Langston Hughes - Essay Example This site contains listings of available documents on Hurston's Correspondence, Manuscripts, Biographical and Critical Papers, Reference Material and Photographs, Medals and Tapes.Access to the documents require a registration with the Special Collections Access Services The Wikipedia page on Zora Neale Hurston contains extensive material on the author's background and career, politics, public obscurity and acclaim. "In 1925, shortly before entering Barnard, Hurston became one of the leaders of the literary renaissance happening in Harlem, producing the short-lived literary magazine Fire!! along with Langston Hughes and Wallace Thurman. This literary movement became the center of the Harlem Renaissance" (Wikipedia). The section on politics contains insightful material regarding Hurston's beliefs and convictions on libertarianism, religion, feminist individualism and segregation . The official Zora Neale Hurston website by the Estate of Zora Neale Hurston and HarperCollins contains Hurston's biography and chronology among others. The site describes Hurston as "one of the pre-eminent writers of twentieth-century African-American literature". A link to provides a lengthy biography written by Anna Lillios. The Zora Neale Hurston page contains an interview with Carla Kaplan, editor of Zora Neale Hurston: Life in Letters. ... blic office, in 1855." The site contains direct quotes from Hughes' works which define his convictions, '"We younger Negro artists now intend to express our individual dark-skinned selves without fear or shame."' '"I tried to write poems like the songs they sang on Seventh Street... (these songs) had the pulse beat of the people who keep on going."' A page by Jeff Trussel containing Trussel's appreciation of Langston Hughes as a "fiercely poetic" Black American who "wanted his audience to taste the whole of the African-American experience". Trussel believes that "With the advent of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s, the relatively genteel world of American poetry was shaken to its foundations. Strong black voices broke out all over the country. Of this remarkable creative outpouring, one voice rose among all of the rest. This was the voice of poet Langston Hughes." The link to provides previews to Hughes' essays and a description of the work where Hughes "as a columnist for the famous African-American newspaper the Chicago Defender chronicled the hopes and despair of his people. For twenty years, he wrote forcefully about international race relations, Jim Crow, the South, white supremacy, imperialism and fascism, segrega tion in the armed forces, the Soviet Union and communism, and African-American art and culture. None of the racial hypocrisies of American life escaped his searing, ironic prose." The Wikipedia page on Langston Hughes contains lengthy material on the writer's life, career and political views. It includes interesting notes on Hughes' relationship with his father, '"I had been thinking about my father

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Compare and Contrast Michelangelo Buonarroti with Modern Artist Assignment

Compare and Contrast Michelangelo Buonarroti with Modern Artist - Assignment Example The paper "Compare and Contrast Michelangelo Buonarroti with Modern Artist" explores the similarities and differences of Michelangelo Buonarroti and modern artists. Considering the portrayal of people on the images of both artists, it should be emphasized that both Michelangelo and Bouguereau regarded people as the key theme of their art. While Michelangelo made emphasis on biblical and mythological subjects, Bouguereau created images of the ordinary people as well. Nevertheless, these ordinary people look like angels and goddesses due to the color spectrum used, and to the softness of curves and lineaments. In fact, the depiction of putti, children, as well as women’s statures cannot be performed with rough features. Michelangelo, in his turn, in the strive for realism created images with visible, and, almost tangible relief. However, his female characters are not always soft and tender. Hence, Sibyls by Michelangelo look tough, massive, and even beefy, while even peasant wom en by Bouguereau look like nymphs, with their childish lineaments, soft curves, and mild tones. The works by these two masters have lots in common; however, the differences are essential. Bouguereau’s colors look milder; however, it is hard to define the initial quality of Michelangelo’s colors. Anyway, both artists managed to create realistic images of the human faces and statures. Therefore, sculpture-like Michelangelo’s characters look almost three dimensional, while Bouguereau relies on realistic embodiment of the divine characters.

How will the initiative affect StarBucks Sales Essay

How will the initiative affect StarBucks Sales - Essay Example First, the reusable cups will cost customers $1. When they lose, crush or forget to carry them back the next time they buy coffee that will cost them another $1. Statistics indicate that, in the US alone, 233 million persons are old enough to consume coffee (Tice, 2012). Assuming each buys a reusable cup only once, that will translate to about $65 million worth of cups alone. Then, that would serve as free advertising, since consumers will keep the reusable cups with them, in their kitchens, offices and cars. That has more potential of being closer to consumers than billboard advertisements. Consumers will also save 10 cents each time they refill their reusable cups. In the long run, before the cups finally wear out, they would have earned back the $1 they used to buy them, so long as they continue buying from Starbucks (Tice, 2012). Essentially, this means the reusable cups will generate repeat

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

6 Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

6 Discussion - Essay Example This goes hand-in-hand with egoism, as the person is only doing something to fully benefit themselves without taking others into concern. Some of the objections to psychological egoism include the fact that some people do act in genuine altruistic ways; there are some cases where people do not have the time to decide who is going to benefit from their actions, they just care about following through with those actions; egoism and altruism are capable of connecting with each other, making in nearly impossible to decide if something was done egoistically or altruistically. Not everyone does something solely to benefit themselves; many of them do act on the best interests of others. Psychological egoism states that people act on for themselves. The majority of people are not that selfish and self-centered, many of them will act in ways that positively affect others without thinking of themselves once. The concept of psychological egoism points to humanity being callous and insensitive to the needs of others, that they could never act to benefit someone other than themselves. This assumption is incorrect - there are numerous people willing to do something for others without being benefited themselves. There are many situations that a person can find themselves in that do not allow them time to think about who they are doing something for, least of all themselves. Some people act on impulse, doing what feels right at the time, or doing what needs to be done, only thinking about the benefits and consequences after the matter. This goes against the fact that psychological egoism attempts to prove that people only think of themselves when acting in any such way. However, there are people who simply find that they do not have the time to fully consider the situation - their main concern is seeing the act through to the end. This often happens during emergencies, such as if a person were to run into oncoming traffic to rescue a

Monday, July 22, 2019

History based on the life of the original Macbeth Essay Example for Free

History based on the life of the original Macbeth Essay Eleventh century Scotland was a violent and troubled country. Family and supposedly loyal friends rebelled against one another for trading and territory purposes. The threats of an enemy invasion or an attack on fortresses were extremely common. Rampant Vikings and local Scottish men raided constantly to weaken and more importantly drive out the stubborn opposing forces that lay in their way. Macbeth was born into this dangerous environment in 1005, son of the victorious family that stamped its authority on Moray and Ross [significant areas in Scotland]. The family itself betrayed themselves as being loving and caring to one another, however, internally they were scarred mentally, as a consequence of their fathers death who was evidently murdered by his cousins. Macbeth obviously emotionally distracted by his fathers death, concentrated his thoughts on leading a comparatively normal life, supported by Brauch his new partner [granddaughter to a High King of Scotland]. Subsequently they had no children of their own. The present ruler of Scotland was Duncan, an ineffectual and seemingly unpopular person amidst the civil problems. Not surprisingly someone assassinated him at the age of thirty-eight. Historians believe that it may have actually been Macbeth, but there is no conclusive evidence to confirm their theories. Macbeth seized this unique opportunity, and was elected High King of Scotland in 1040; he ruled for seventeen years. As predecessor of the reviled Duncan, his first priority during his initial ten years in power, was to bring peace and relative stability to his problematic kingdom, notably he was fairly successful at doing-so; he became a reforming King accordingly. He managed to balance out and annihilate the majority of the negative feelings amongst the population. Unfortunately for him, his greatest and most fatal hurdle materialized in the form Duncans son Malcolm, who was absolutely determined to take control of Scotland. He ingeniously invaded the region in 1054, aided by the English King Edward the Confessor. Macbeth himself was brutally exterminated on the 15th of August 1057 at Peel Ring Lumphanan in Mar. He was buried at Iona, respectively; the sacred burial place of the Kings of Scotland. Was this epic period of Scottish History the basis for Shakespeare Macbeth? Shakespeare was a talented playwright, not a historian. However, the past provides an excellent source for basing a flourishing play. It is exciting factual material with which [if one is intellectually sound], can modify and adapt to conjure up maximum dramatic effect and a truly brilliant and entertaining stage production. Historical evidence bestows writers with a fruitful background; an imaginative base on which one can construct a sophisticated plot that entices the audiences mind, body and soul. For Shakespeare this would have been incredibly difficult to originate, hence the gathering below the rostrum; that were either damn right rude or absolutely sloshed. Indeed, it is true to say that some of his dramas were not as appreciated or dominant, fortunately Macbeth proved different, and would be a prevailing theatrical production for hundreds of years. Shakespeare was an independent character, one who thrived on his own personal achievement, and one who was not afraid to alter and develop certain features regarding a story to accomplish ultimate dramatic effect. The epicentre of Macbeth pivoted around the eleventh century ancestors; he obviously acknowledged the great potential in these characters. He evidently thought it necessary to convert, invent and abolish particular characteristics surrounding the events of eleventh century Scotland. He established Lady Macbeths sleepwalking and death, the banquet scene and Banquos ghost, and most of the cauldron scene. With a little imagination and adaptation he reversed King Duncans nasty personality into a loved and greatly appreciated role model. He also eliminated Macbeths ten years of good rule to make the scenario and atmosphere more effective; everything he purposely altered was in the interest of the play. Interestingly, King James I was in power, when Shakespeare first presented Macbeth in 1603. I personally find this rather intriguing, because the actual storyline consists of many of King Jamess personal comforts and interests. It is obvious that King James was a superior influence on the outcome of the play; he helps to conjure up some fruitful inspiration for Shakespeare; this, and the colourful Scottish pass times, provides a feast of information and ideas for Shakespeare to weave his magic upon. He gratefully accepted this priceless gift, and transformed it into one of the greatest tragedies this world has literally ever experienced. What message is Shakespeare trying to get across? I feel it important for one and me to understand that the play is meaningfully founded on the corruption of power. Although the supernatural, fascinating individuals and mysterious undertakings create a unique atmosphere to the play, the nucleus consists off events that revolve around the abuse of power. It is true to say that this is present and happening in our modern society, take Hitler for example. He was a dictator who possessed a lethal amount of power, he used it to brainwash people, so that he could do what he wanted. He started by wiping out an entire race, known as the Jews; he and his fixation to be in control was a major factor in triggering the Second World War. A comparison can be made between him and Macbeth, both of which abused their authority. Shakespeare is trying to get this eminent message across to his viewers. Witchcraft and Murderous Schemes. If one is familiar with the tragedy, one will know that Shakespeare wrote and directed it, at a time in which murders and witchcraft were everyday issues. In fact, the majority of the general public seriously believed and feared the paranormal universe, so much so, individuals who were thought to be actual witches were tried, tested and eventually killed. During this time, witch mania reached terrifying proportions; hundreds of innocent people [usually women] were condemned to immediate execution, without an adequate assessment. As anticipated, a small minority were against this mass persecution, but they and their justifiable opinions were suffocated without due consideration by the bulk of the general public. Essay Targets. Macbeth has complicated plots that comprise of numerous acts and scenes. I am attempting to devise an essay focusing on three specific scenes. The essay is to be written in a directors point of view as if I was to direct these three selected scenes: Act I, Scene 3. Act I, Scene 5. Act 5, Scene 5. I feel that these three scenes collectively describe the basic tale and downfall of Macbeth himself. Act I, Scene 3 meets the witches, which influences his decision to kill the king. Act I, Scene 5 Lady Macbeth plots to kill Duncan herself and confides her thoughts in Macbeth. Act 5, Scene 5 As a consequence of his murders, everything has come back to haunt him. He is about to be attacked by the English army, and inevitably faces the decisive punishment for his sins Death!!! I deem each scene to be off substantial importance, all independently help to develop and illustrate the overall narrative too. Unquestionably, each one has to be directed appropriately, to attain the audiences concentration, and to merely get them philosophizing about the story. An enthralling location is also absolutely necessary, the audience needs to be encapsulated by the setting and circumstances. The following essay denotes each scene autonomously, and expresses my feelings and points of view on how I should direct and conduct all three scenes to achieve a stunning atmosphere to mesmerize and amaze the spectators. My main objective is to manipulate selected characters and transform their personality and temperament to improve the play and exaggerate the horror theme. The fact that Shakespeare himself, left no stage directions leaves the doorway open for any willing direct to interpret the actual play, as he/she wants. Over the centuries, several producers have devised their own technique and developed the plot to create their own translation of the enigmatic ventures of the Scottish hierarchy. I have committed my play and essay to a film production. I have chosen to adopt this particular method, because I feel that it would fit perfectly into a modern day movie, which has the funds and technology to support graphic and suitable special effects. I have observed a modern day interpretation of the play; it was staged on a rough Birmingham estate. For some bizarre reason though, the actors referred to the direct text, but conveyed them in a Brummie accent; this was literally diabolical. It simply did not complement Shakespeares erratic language, the pronunciation was awful- quite positively negative. I on the other hand deem it more appropriate to compose the epic tale of Macbeths downfall in its indigenous and traditional generation. Directors point of view for Act I, Scene 3. Summary of scene: Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches, Macbeth is returning from the battle with his gallant companion and hearty Scottish nobleman, Banquo. Their journey back to the Kings camp takes them over a deserted heath. Here, the witches lie in wait for them, talking as they generally do about an evil spell they have cast upon one unfortunate person. The mist clears Macbeth and Banquo unexpectedly see the witches. They demand that these creatures: so witherd and so wild in their attire, explain who they are. When the witches speak, they greet Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor and predict that hell become king. To Banquo they foretell Your heirs will be kings, although you will not, they then disappear, before a bewildered and perplexed Macbeth can inquire about their prophecies. I feel it compulsory to point out that this scene is the penultimate in the opening trio, therefore a lot of planning and thought has gone into directing it, hence the fact its considerably longer than the other two scenes. Uncharacteristically, I have chosen to direct the third scene instead of the first. Respectively both are of great significance to the outcome of the play, but the third introduces the witches, their first apparition, Macbeth and Banquo. Like the opening scene, this one needs to be just as effective to conquer the audiences awareness. In this scene the witches encourage Macbeth to believe that he is invulnerable and indestructible. The intereference of the witches influence Macbeths actions; he immediately considers to commit regicide against King Duncan If good, why do I yield to that suggestion/ Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair/ And make my seated heart knock at my ribs/ Against the use of nature? These four sentences help to describe Macbeths feelings, he is basically thinking about the proposed murder, he does this by making references to certain features on his body. For example, your heart pounds when youre excited or nervous. Macbeth having possession of all the confidence in the world as a consequence of the witches predictions and the recent victory in the exasperating battle fears no one. I find it hard to appreciate the reliance and dependence confined in the witches and their prophecies by Macbeth; after all they are absolute strangers. This is why Ive chosen to portray the witches as attractive housewives, hopefully this will make the scene more believable, because men are easily dominated and controlled by beautiful, seductive mistresses. This needs to apprehend the audiences interest, so that they can acknowledge the circumstances and understand whats actually happening. I will set the play on a desolate, open stretch of countryside. It will be nighttime with a low and eerie fog making visibility poor. This will intensify the atmosphere, because the audience will instinctively be weary of the surroundings and the mysterious environment. The witches, Macbeth and Banquo are all dominant and important characters, thus meaning they need to be familiarized and introduced, so the audience recognizes who they are later on in the film. The scene will get underway with Macbeth and Banquo strolling over the motionless fields, discussing the eventful battle, although you will not be able to hear them, because only a sinister genre of music will be heard. They are going to be dressed in war-like clothes; therefore the audience will directly associate them with a battle of some description. In the near distance a lonely farm building will stand [the audience obviously noticing this, should already be imagining whats in it and are Macbeth and Banquo going to go there]? The interior of the barn will be exceptionally gloomy, but in the far corner three ugly hags are going to be highlighted by specifically positioned lightning. The witches are severely deformed, to leave the audience feeling astonished and expectantly physically sick! The witches will speak in macabre tone of voice, whilst speaking to one another. Their wicked conversations will consist off evil material e.g. Killing swine/ and like a rat without a tail/ Here I have a pilots thumb, wrecked as homeward he did come. The presence of the witches and their repulsive words is a created stimulus that makes the play a great deal more engaging, therefore the overall production benefits and improves considerably. Their physical appearance and cursed lines keep the audience hooked, simultaneously the supernatural element increases the suspense with every scary sound and disgusting illustration produced or described by the witches. Macbeth and Banquo feeling exhausted from their tiresome day will seek deserved refuge beneath the suspicious looking dwelling. The tension and suspense will certainly be enhanced amongst the audience obviously fearing the couplets safety as they cautiously enter. However, they will be treated to a pleasant surprise, this is due to the sexy figures gathered in the corner of the room. Using contemporary technology and realistic special effects, the hideous threesome will magically be converted into gorgeous bitches! The transformed witches disguised as randy and bored housewives will [without doubt], outstand and arouse the audience together with Macbeth and Banquo. This is known as dramatic irony, when the watchers know something that the characters dont. The witches dressed in a low, red cut top [showing an outrageous amount of cleavage] will immediately greet the dazed Macbeth and Banquo with verses of factual information and weird prophecies. The amorous ladies will speak in a confident, persuasive, but somewhat devious tone of voice, thus causing the men in the room to absorb these queer predictions. The audience would accept the witches original nature and accept the fact that beautiful seductive women are able to force gullible/intelligent men to believe in them and their words. Obviously, Macbeth and Banquo will be confused and amazed, but in some sense enthusiastic about the apparition. As they attempt to verbally challenge the witches, the room will suddenly become silenced, with them both pondering their recent experience, the atmosphere again changes though, as Ross and Angus storm into the equation. Ross and Angus stunned to find their chums under these certain circumstances try to regurgitate the report sent by the king. Gradually, as Ross explains the situation to Macbeth and Banquo [regarding the former Thane of Cawdor and him being sentenced to death for treason against the king], the witches prophecy is beginning to unfold. Therefore Macbeth needs to act in an astounded manner, altering his body language and facial expressions accordingly best shows this. Macbeth has chosen to renovate his character, and so he keeps his feelings and thoughts to himself. This is aptly shown as he speaks to the audience alone [aside]. His soliloquy refers to and describes his ambition. The prophecy that was revealed by the witches brings a broad temptation to Macbeth that had been his secret all along for being a king, for example: My thought, whose murder yet is but fanastical. This purely indicates Macbeths great ambition, he is already thinking about killing Duncan. If the audience is reasonably clever, they will detect this too. Another distinctive line is Nothing is, but what is not. He is referring to the recent events, commenting on the sensational proceedings. During this scene the plot is potentially discovered, it helps to entangle and trigger off the storyline. Although the words are enormously imperative, the characters and their actions are equally significant, in conjunction with one another, the audience understand whats going on. The scene will end with Macbeth and Banquo standing side by side, contemplating their prosperous future. The camera will zoom in on Macbeth and his cunning visions of murdering Duncan. Unlike Banquo, who is triumphantly imaging his sons being crowned, with him in the background looking on proudly, crying sweet tears of joy? Directors point of view for Act I, Scene 5. Brief summary of scene: In this scene Lady Macbeth plans a murder. She lives at home in there castle at Inverness. Lady Macbeth has received a letter from her husband; in it he tells her about the witches prophecies. She is interrupted as a messenger arrives telling her of the kings visit. She realises that this is the golden opportunity to kill Duncan, the king. Her treacherous thoughts are kept to herself, unlike Macbeth who suppresses them. She makes her mind up that the murder must be committed that night. When Macbeth arrives at the castle ahead of the king, she exclaims convincingly that she has arranged everything. Lady Macbeth is the second most dominant influence on Macbeth. As soon as Lady Macbeth learns of the words spoken by the weird sisters, she instantaneously analyses Macbeths future i.e. if Duncan were killed, Macbeth and her could acquire Scotland. She vigorously studies the letter and assesses the situation, considering the best and most suitable option to chose, in order to bring her eagerly awaited success. If I were to direct this scene, I would set it in Lady Macbeths chamber; this is because bedrooms tend to be a solemn place of privacy and security. The bedroom is to be very grand and ornate, with elaborate walls, preferably in a blood-red colour, this is to emphasis the theme of blood that runs throughout the play. Lady Macbeth dressed in her sexy, soft; silky nighttime gown will try to interpret the epistle relaxing on her mahogany four poster bed. Under a quiet, pleasant piece of music, Lady Macbeths voice is to be sounded above the music, reading out the letter to herself, she will also over exaggerate particular words and phrases, which depict Macbeths thoughts. Whilst peacefully examining the letter, succeeding in comprehending it, she will act in a attentive fashion. As the production is a film, I have decided to include visual images of Lady Macbeths perceptions of the letter. When reading it, there will be metaphors of Lady Macbeth conjuring up pictures of her and Macbeth sitting gloriously on the throne, with hundreds of spectators gathered below, robustly singing their praises. To accompany this ceremony, a victorious composition will engulf it, however, these false celebrations will be disrupted as she resumes normality awoken by an attendant. Things could just not get any better for Lady Macbeth; the attendant brings delightful news concerning Macbeths and Duncans arrival. The supernatural is again underlined and called upon, this time by Lady Macbeth. She forms an imaginary conversation with the evil spirits, asking them to assist her murderous plans: Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here. When the conversation commences, Lady Macbeth is going to gaze up at the ceiling and perform actions with her hands where appropriate e.g. Come to my womans breasts she will be clenching her bosoms as she speaks. Again, faded scenes of wicked witches will corrupt her mind, these will then turn into vivid images of her viciously stabbing Duncan to death with a decorative candlestick, as he sleeps. You will then he totally horrified by her face speckled with distinctive spots of blood. Another will then immediately follow this bloodcurdling incident; her menacing eyes will stare at you, threatening you, frightening you!!! With an ounce of luck, the audience will be completely petrified, thus achieving maximum dramatic effect. Over pictures of gruesome violence, a terrorizing sample of music will be heard. During Lady Macbeths deceitful outburst, many references to blood, light and dark and hell are made e.g. Come thick night, and pull these in the durnest smoke of HELL. All of these factors exaggerate the horror theme and atmosphere. Macbeth then enters the bedroom, instantly Lady Macbeth [being the scheming bovine she is], craftily asks her partner [when he claims that Duncan is coming] and when goes hence? In other words when is he going, so I know when to conduct his brutal surcease? Being a woman in all, she is able to change nature and personality whenever she feels it obligatory to fool or persuade Macbeth. Subsequently, she goes on, to subtly describe about disguise: To beguile the time, look like the time/ look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent undert. She is relating these lines to the killing of Duncan, in such away that the audience and Macbeth cannot really appreciate or indeed realize. I would instruct Lady Macbeth to deliver these disloyal words in a convincing way, almost as if shes reassuring Macbeth about the murder. Macbeth does actually distinguish Lady Macbeths words, but he fails to comment on them, instead he ignores her, and demands to talk at a later date. By this time, the murder is already almost complete. Directors point of view for Act 5, Scene 5. Brief summary of scene: Macbeth prepares for battle, is busy setting up defenses all around Dunsinane Castle. Most of his noblemen and soldiers have rebelled and joined the other side, but he is certain he cannot be beaten or not until Birnam Forest comes to Dunsinane [as a consequence of the witches new appairitions]. What he does not know is that his enemies have agreed to meet at Birnam Wood. When the soldiers gather there, each one is given the branch of a tree to camouflage them as they move forward to launch an attack. As he is organizing for the battle, he thinks how meaningless life is. Just then, a messenger announces that Birnam wood appears to move. After the initial murder of Duncan, Macbeth persists in his violent actions and continues to kill more, in an attempt to become ruler of everyone and everything north of the border. Once the first the killing took place, the ball started rolling and unfortunately did not stop, that is up till now. Macbeth is facing unavoidable death, the ultimate punishment for his many sins; his castle at Dunsinane is surrounded with him at the epicentre amongst the entire calamity, but yet he still have faith in the witches predictions, and why not? The witches prophecies and apparitions have so far proved correct, significantly, the prediction concerning Macbeths mortality: No man on earth shall harm him, is about to prove incorrect. However, the arrogant Macbeth seriously supposes himself imperishable, consequently fearing no one. He is undisputedly emotionless this is shown in line 9: I have almost forgot the taste of fears, clearly his mental state is severely befuddled, his aspiration has got him where he is and under these particular state of affairs, he cannot turn back the clock, he simply has to face the penalty of his slaughterous actions. Remarkably, he does not sense any guilt either; instead he concentrates his efforts on the seemingly impossible encounter ahead. Even when is once loved wife dies, he fails to physically react, he simply gathers his thoughts and feelings and distributes them into a touching paragraph; yes, even the audience cannot help to feel for the desolate Macbeth. He once walked upon lifeless stretches of open countryside accompanied by his dearest friend Banquo, now he is the dirt on which his predecessors and countless enemies tread. This scene resembles Macbeths uncomfortable position, and his feelings; it needs to be incredibly effective to achieve the right atmosphere and tension. A more suitable location could not have been selected; the castle at Dunsinane is the perfect setting under such awkward circumstances. With the castle encircled and the defeated, lonesome, loathed figure stranded at the centre, the scene is an awesome opportunity for a willing director like myself to challenge. The scene will commence with an aerial view of the castle and the environment engulfing it, the audience will now understand Macbeths situation. Thousands of infantry will be advancing towards the castle under the natural camouflage off tree branches, a strong drum beat intentionally heard by the audience, will encourage the soldiers to move forwards. Meanwhile, Macbeth seeking what he considers to be relative safety in the castle will burst onto the scene in an aggressive manner. A room sited at the top of the castle [overlooking their boundaries], will suddenly be animated as the door flies open with a terrific thud, followed by a apprehensive Macbeth, Seyton and three rather nervously looking soldiers. A window foreseeing the countryside ahead and the moving woodland will be an important feature in the room, this is because Macbeth will stand in front of it [with his back against the opening], facing the anxious congregation organized below. Macbeth dressed in his gleaming armour tries to rally his troops by expressing valiant words of defiance: Our castles strength will laugh a siege to scorn; here let them lie till famine and the ague eat them up. This successfully illustrates his current state of mind, he is positive and thinks that he and their stronghold will hold out against the enemy, the audience should sense this by li stening to the tone in which he conveys his words; he will do so in a self-assured and powerful manner. During his defiant speech, a high-pitched squeal will be heard, immediately the audience and Macbeth will demand to know what it actually was. Seyton acknowledges that it was a cry of women. Macbeth reflects in a sorry tone, his emotions; the way in which he delivers these might effect the audiences opinion of him. The audience realizes that he was once a good fellow, who fought bravely and cared for ones close, they should almost feel a bit of sympathy towards him, but then they compare him to the coward he has become, one who deserves everything coming his way [that is in the form of an entire army, seeking revenge for the futile murders he has committed]. Seyton informs Macbeth that it was his wife Lady Macbeth. Once more Macbeth expresses his thoughts on the matter, almost as if he is looking back and regretting his actions. The audience will be able to identify the real Macbeth again, as he comments upon ones life, comparing it to Lady Macbeths and his. The atmosphere at this point will be depressive, due to Macbeths sorrowful words. However, the mood will revolutionize on the arrival of a messenger bringing shocking, but inevitable news. I will instruct the messenger to act in a stunned manner; he will also find it increasingly more difficult to tell Macbeth of the moving forest, approaching them at a rapid pace. Macbeth purposely rejects this news: Liar and slave! even though he knows full well that there true, because the witches told him so. At this meticulous moment, a flashback will occur, this will consist of haunted reminiscences of the raunchy women retelling the third apparition stating: Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him. In other words, you will never be hurt or even destroyed until Birnam Wood moves towards Dunsinane [this will help to remind the audience about the apparition]. When Macbeth resumes regularity, he will again, persist in not believing the messengers words of truth, perhaps he does not want to believe them, because he knows that the end is near. Regardless of this, he has come too far, and so he will fight to the very last second. At the conclusion of his final dialogue in the scene, he will turn to observe the view outside, noticing an entire wood gradually moving closer, this signifying that his death is exceptionally near, a vacant expression on his countenance will demonstrate this completely.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

5 Concepts Associated With Nutritional Health Health Essay

5 Concepts Associated With Nutritional Health Health Essay This is the type of malnutrition where there are more nutrients than are required for normal growth in a persons body. Thus, with the person taking in over nutrients, this means that he/she will be more likely to become overweight the fact that the foods that this person takes in are highly in caloric content. Over weight This is the enhanced body weight of the person in relation to his/ her weight. Hence, with the person being overweight, this means that this person is most likely to get coronary heart disease, stroke, and gall bladder disease and pregnancy complications. Therefore, a person to lower the risk of getting health problems due to being overweight, the person needs to make sure that he/she loses weight by doing regular exercise and eating healthy. obesity This is when a person has extremely high amount of body fat that is unhealthy. For that reason, with the person being obese, this person is also most likely to have serious medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, breathing problems, heart disease and stroke. Body mass index This calculates an individuals weight in relation to their height. It is very important that a person carries out BMI as he/she will be able to know whether he is overweight or not. Dietary reference values This gets to record the recommended nutritional intakes for UK population. Withal, the dietary reference values help to calculate approximately the amount of energy and nutrients needed by different groups of healthy people in UK population. P2 Describe the characteristics of nutrients and their benefits to the body. The kinds of nutrients which can be found in the persons body, these include of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates The characteristics of carbohydrates are that there are two different types of carbohydrates and these are monosaccharide and polysaccharide. Monosaccharide these are simple carbohydrates composed of one sugar molecule such as glucose and fructose. Whilst, polysaccharide these are carbohydrates made up of a long chain of simple sugar molecules that are joined together. The examples of polysaccharide carbohydrates these can be starch and cellulose. The benefits of carbohydrates to the persons body, they help to provide energy. Hence, this energy has to be broken down into glucose before cells can use it. In addition, carbohydrates are the bodys main source of fuel because when the person takes the right carbohydrates, this means that the persons body systems and organs will be able to function properly. The foods that can be found in Carbohydrates can be as such as whole grain cereals, fruits, beans, vegetables and dairy products. Proteins When it comes to the characteristics of proteins, these are large, complex molecules that have a variety of functions in the body and are essential to good health. There are two types of proteins and these are amino acids and peptides. The amino acids these are building blocks of the bodys proteins. Hence, some amino acids are produced by a persons body and other amino acids come from a persons diet. On the other hand, peptides these are two or more amino acids that are connected together. Hence, the proteins are made up multiple peptides. However, the benefits of proteins to the body, proteins help to build and repair tissues in the body. In addition, the proteins help to also make haemoglobin which is the part of the red blood cells that carry oxygen to all the parts of the body, make enzymes, hormones and also act as the building block of bones, muscles and blood. Lastly the examples of food that is highly in proteins this can be as such as diary products, meat, chicken, fish, beans, nuts and seeds. Fats Fat consist of saturated fat and unsaturated fats. The saturated fat can be as such as butter and cheese whilst unsaturated fat can be olive oil and sunflower oil. The benefits of fats to the body, is that the body needs fats to work properly by protecting the organs. The fats also help to provide energy in the form of calories, to absorb certain vitamins, to produce cell membranes, enzymes, neurotransmitters and lastly to produce hormones. The examples of foods that can be found in fats, these are eggs, butter, dairy products, margarine, cheese, olive oil, fatty beef and fish. Therefore, a person having food that contains fats, these foods will help to play a vital role in their body. Fibre The main function of fibre is to keep the digestive system healthy and also to function properly. Hence, fibre it helps to speed up excretion of waste and toxins from the body. However, it is advised that if a person is going to increase the amount of fibre in his/her diet, he should drink high levels of water so that the fibre can get absorbed. As a result, this will avoid a person from being constipated. The characteristics of fibre is that all the food that are rich in fibre such as fruits, wholemeal bread, porridge and cereals can fill up someone very quickly thus this will prevent someone from overeating. Additionally, the foods that are also rich in fibre are low in fat and calories as well as they slow down the digestion so they would not make a person to put on weight. Vitamins These are organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism. A person taking the right vitamins through their diet, the vitamins will help them to maintain a healthy body and normal growth. The vitamins also help to serve vital functions in body processes such as the immune and nervous system. Therefore, its essential that a person takes food that is rich in vitamins. Nevertheless, the characteristics of vitamins is that every vitamin has a special role to play within the body that they help to regulate the processes such as cell growth and repair, reproduction and digestion. Furthermore, they are two types of vitamins and these are water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins. When it comes to water soluble vitamins, these include of vitamin B1, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin B2. The water soluble vitamins might be as such as grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, nuts and milk. However, when it comes to fat soluble vitamins these consist of vitamins A, D, E and K hence these vitamins are stored in liver and fatty tissues. The food that can be found in these fat soluble vitamins can be such as vegetables cheese, whole milk, fish oil, and egg York. Minerals Its very essential that a person takes minerals in his/her diet. This is because these minerals help to control body fluids inside and outside the cells. The minerals also build strong bones and teeth as well as turn the food into energy. Withal, the most important minerals are iron, potassium, sodium and calcium thus these minerals can be found in foods such as cereals, meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. M1 Discuss similarities and differences in the nutritional and energy requirements of two groups of individuals. The two groups of individuals that I have decided to pick is the teenage girl that is 16 years old and of a pregnant woman. The differences between the teenage girl and a pregnant woman, when it comes to their nutritional and energy requirements is that the girl who is 16years of age needs to have 1800 calories per day whilst a pregnant woman needs to have 350 calories per day. In addition, the teenage girl needs these calories as shes stilling growing up and developing. For that reason, it is advised that this teenager needs to make sure that she understands her nutritional and caloric intake needs, as this will affect her physically in terms of being healthy. It will also prevent her from being at risk of getting healthy problems such as becoming overweight is shes taking in a lot of calories that she shouldnt . However, when it comes to a pregnant woman she needs fewer calories compared to a teenager as she needs to maintain her pregnancy weight as well as keep her energy up. Withal, the pregnant woman needs to make sure that she eats well during her pregnancy and also choose high quality food that is rich in baby building nutrients. Thus, with the pregnant woman eating healthy food, this will affect her unborn child physically that by the time she gets to give birth, her baby will look healthy. All the same, when it comes to the similarities between the teenager and the pregnant woman is that they both need to take in the right calories as this will affect them physically in terms of their health. With the teenager and the pregnant woman taking in the right nutrients they will be unlikely to be at risk of getting health problems such as becoming overweight, getting heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes. Additionally, both the teenager and pregnant woman also need to eat the right food which is rich in all the nutrients. For instance the nutrients can be as such carbohydrates and fats hence these nutrients will help provide the teenager and the pregnant woman with energy. The foods can be such as whole grain cereals, fruits, beans, vegetables and dairy products. However, with the teenager and the pregnant woman eating these foods they will have to make sure that they do some physical activity such as going to the gym, taking a walk so that they could maintain their weight as well avoid getting healthy problems. When it comes to the differences between the teenager and a pregnant woman is that the teenager needs to limit her intake of solid fats like butter whereby she gets to avoid the chance of getting health problems which might affect her physically. Therefore, the daily recommended amount of oils that a girl who is 16 years old should be taking is 5 tea spoons. On the other hand, when it comes to a pregnant woman, she needs to take omega 3 which can be found from fats such as tuna and salmon. As a result, with the pregnant woman taking the omega 3, this will help her fetus to develop as it uses much of the fatty oils in a womans system. TASK 2 P3 Using a table, explain six possible influences on dietary intake. DIETARY INTAKE EXPLANATION Lifestyles The lifestyle can be a very vital influence on the dietary intake of a person depending on how the person lives such as being wealthy or poor. Religion Religion can influence on the dietary intake of a person the fact that some religions are not allowed to eat certain foods. Culture Culture can influence on dietary intake on someones choice of food and the way the person prepares the food. Finance This is essential influence on the dietary intake of a person. For instance if the person has got no problem with money, this means that this person will be more likely to provide him/herself with the foods that are rich in nutrients hence, this will affect him physically. Diet Diet is a vital influence on the dietary intake the fact that with the person taking the right diet, he will be unlikely to be at risk of getting health problems. Personal influence The person having a personal influence this will influence on the dietary intake of this person. For instance, with the person knowing that having the right diet is good for his health, he will be most likely to keep on having the right foods that are found in the basic nutrients. M2 Select three influences on dietary intake from P3 and assess how they may affect the nutritional health of individuals. Religion Religion can affect the nutritional health of the individual the fact that some religions are not allowed to eat certain foods. Therefore, some of these foods that the people are not allowed to eat might be rich in nutrients. For example, the Buddhists are not allowed to eat meat and meat is one of the foods that are rich in proteins and vitamins. Withal, with the person not eating the food that is rich in proteins and vitamins, this will affect this individual physically the fact that the proteins help to build and repair tissues in the body. In addition, the proteins also help make haemoglobin which is the part of the red blood cells that carry oxygen to all the parts of the body, the proteins also make enzyme and hormones. When it comes to vitamins, these will also help to regulate the processes such as cell growth and repair, reproduction and digestion of an individual. Therefore, if this individual that is a Buddhist isnt allowed to have meat, then he has to make sure that he at least eats other foods which are rich in vitamins and proteins as this will affect his health physically. Diet Diet may affect the nutritional health of an individual if the person maintains what he/she eats and this is by making sure that this individual eats the right calories that are recommended. Moreover, the person knowing the nutrients and what foods are found in the nutrients, this means that this person will be able to have a healthy diet. However, if the person doesnt know the foods that are found in the nutrients, theres a chance that this persons health will be at risk despite of the fact he/she will be eating unhealthy food. As a result, this person will be most likely to get health problems such as heart disease/stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and also become overweight. Lifestyle The lifestyle may affect the nutritional health of an individual depending on how they live. For instance, if the person is wealthy that means he/she will be able to provide himself with the basic food which is rich in nutrients. Whilst a person, that might be poor he/ she might find it very difficult to manage to get the food that is rich in nutrients. As a result, with the person not taking the right food that is rich or less in nutrients; this means that this person is more likely to get health problems such as malnutrition. Furthermore, the life style will also affect the nutritional health of an individual depending on what kind of habits that the individual has. For example, if the individual loves to eat a lot of junk food, its more likely that this will affect his health physically, whereby this individual will become overweight as well get health problems such as diabetes. For that reason, the individual not to be at risk of getting healthy problems, he/she will have to eat the food that is rich in nutrients so that he can be healthy. D1 Make realistic recommendations for minimizing negative influences on individuals in a specific health and social care setting. The health and social care setting that I decided to use is a school thus the recommendations that could minimise the negative influences these can be as such as introducing children to new healthy foods, stopping children from going out for lunch, children making health poster, children having packed lunch wit healthy snacks. Introducing children to new healthy foods Its very important that the school introduces children to new healthy foods as this will affect the childrens health physically. As a result, with the children being introduced to healthy foods, they will be less likely to be at risk of getting healthy problems such as becoming overweight or obese. Moreover, the healthy foods could be as such as healthy snacks which might include of fruits and nuts thus, with the children knowing the good healthy snacks this will help the children to take in the right healthy snacks that will be rich in minerals and vitamins. Withal, vitamins help to maintain a healthy and normal growth and minerals help to control body fluids inside and outside the cells as well as also build strong bones and teeth. For that reason, its recommended that the schools should introduce children to healthy foods as this will help to minimise negative influences ion individuals. Stopping children from going out for lunch The school should make sure that they stop children from going out for lunch the fact that if the children go out for lunch, this means that theres a high possibility that these children will be buying junk food. With the children buying junk food, this will be mostly to affect their health physically despite of the fact that junk food is not healthy. Thus, the children will be at risk of having health problems that they will become overweight /obese, have breathing problems and also become diabetic. Consequently, its very crucial that the school does not allow children to go out for lunch; therefore it is recommended that the schools should provide children with lunch meals that are rich in healthy nutrients as this will help to minimise the negative influences on individuals. Children making health poster With the children making health posters, this will be an effective way of minimising negative influences on individuals. This is because, with the children making health posters, the other children will be mostly to know and understand the benefits of having healthy food and what sorts of food are rich in nutrients. Withal, the children understanding the nutrients and having healthy food, this will be very advantageous to their health as they will be less likely to get any healthy problems. For that reason, its recommended that schools should try and make health posters for the children as this will affect the childrens health physically in terms of having normal growth and development. Children having packed lunch with healthy snacks With the children having packed lunch with healthy snacks, this will help to minimise the negative influences on the individuals. This is because with a child having a packed lunch that is rich in nutrients as well as with healthy snacks such as fruits; this will make a child to have a balanced diet. Hence, with a child having a balanced diet, its less likely for the child to become ill. For example, if the child takes healthy snacks this means that these snacks are rich in vitamins and minerals thus these nutrients help to maintain a healthy and normal growth. For that reason, its very essential that a child gets to have a healthy packed lunch with healthy snacks. Additionally, its also recommended that the school should also advise children to drink a lot of fluids and water as this will prevent the children from being dehydrated. Therefore it is recommended that the schools tell children to have healthy packed lunched with healthy snacks as this will help to minimise the negative influences. Advise children to take part in P.E The schools should advise children to take part in Physical exercise as this will benefit the children the fact that physical exercise will help them to control their weight, strengthen their bones and muscles, improve their mental health and mood as well reduce the risk of the children getting health problems such as overweight. For that reason, its recommended that the schools should always advise children to take part in P.E. TASK 3 P4 Use a table to summarise your one week quantitative analysis. DAY BREAKFAST LUNCH EVENING MEALS SNACKS ACTIVITY MONDAY Medium Banana (105cal) Potato Chips(487cal) chicken(431cal) 2 pieces 1 glass of water Rice(216cal) Beef(164cal) 1glass of water 100g bar Cadburys diary milk chocolate (520kcal) 1hr at the gym TUESDAY None Potato Chips(487cal) chicken(431cal) 2 pieces Spaghetti (220cal) 1 glass of water Cheese puffs twists (122kcal) A bar of snicker(319kcal) None WEDNESDAY Cornflakes (100kcal) 1 glass of water Lasagna(124cal) 1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal) Rice(216cal) 1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal) Banana chips (147kcal) 1 packet of walker crisp (187kcal) Cycle for 30mins THURSDAY None Spaghetti(220cal) 2 glasses of water Rice(216cal) chicken(431cal) 2 pieces 1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal) Kellogg cereal bar (370kcal) None FRIDAY None Shrimp(206cal), rice(216cal) 2 glasses of water Lasagna(124cal) Peas carrots (97kcal) 2 glass of water 100g bar Cadburys diary milk chocolate (520kcal) 1 packet of walker crisp (187kcal) None SATURDAY Medium Banana (105cal) 1 glass of water Fish(210cal) potato chips(487cal) 1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal) Lasagna(124cal) broccoli(35kcal) A glass of orange juice(88cal) Cheese puffs twists (122kcal) A twin bar of Twix(284kcal) Walk to the park for 15mins SUNDAY Weetabix (213cal) 1 glass of water Salmon(280cal) Rice(216cal) 1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal) Rice(216cal) Beef(164cal) A glass of orange juice(88kcal) A twin bar of Twix(284kcal) 1 packet of walker crisp (187kcal) None P5 Prepare a one week plan to improve the nutritional health of the chosen individual in P4. This information can be presented in the form of a table. DAY BREAKFAST LUNCH EVENING MEALS SNACKS ACTIVITY MONDAY Medium Banana (105kcal) 2 glasses of water Potato Chips(487kcal), broccoli(35kcal) chicken(431kcal) 2 pieces 1 glass of water 1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal) Rice(216kcal) Beef(164kcal) Peas carrots (97kcal) 2 glass of water Low fat Yogurt 100gms (112kcal) 1 bar of Dark chocolate (100kcal) 1hour at gym TUESDAY Apple juice 1 glass(117kcal) granny smith apple(45kcal) 2 glasses of water Potato Chips(487kcal) chicken(431cal) 2 pieces 2 glass of water Spaghetti (220kcal) coleslaw(79kcal) corn on cob(140kcal) 1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal) 1 packet of walker crisp (187kcal) Walk for 10mins WEDNESDAY Cornflakes (100kcal) Apple juice 1 glass(117kcal) 2 glasses of water Lasagna(124cal) Beef(164kcal) 1 serving of coleslaw(79kcal) Peas carrots (97kcal) A glass of orange juice(88cal) Salmon(280kcal) Rice(216kcal) broccoli(35kcal) corn on cob(140kcal) 1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal) Banana chips (147kcal) Low fat Yogurt 100gms (112kcal) 2hrs at gym THURSDAY Weetabix (213cal) 1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal) 2 glasses of water Spaghetti(220cal) 1 serving of coleslaw(79kcal) Cream cheese(137kcal) A glass of orange juice(88kcal) Rice(216kcal) chicken(431kcal) 2 pieces A glass of orange juice(88kcal) 1 apple and 1 pear (125kcal) Low fat Yogurt 100gms (112kcal) Walk to the dog park for 30mins FRIDAY Weetabix (213cal) 2 glasses of water Shrimp(206kcal), rice(216kcal), broccoli(35kcal) corn on cob(140kcal) 1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal) Lasagna(124kcal) fried noodles (43kcal) cauliflower (23kcal) 1 glass of Apple juice (117kcal) Avocado on toast 1 slice of bread(220kcal) Cycle for 30mins SATURDAY Medium Banana (105cal) 2 glasses of water Fish(210kcal), potato chips(487kcal) broccoli(35kcal) Apple juice 1 glass(117cal) Lasagna(124cal) Peas carrots (97kcal) 1 serving of coleslaw(79kcal) corn on cob(140kcal) Cheese puffs twists (122kcal) A twin bar of Twix(284kcal) Walk the dog to the park for 30mins SUNDAY Weetabix (213kcal) 2 glasses of water Salmon(280kcal) Rice(216kcal) cauliflower (23kcal) broccoli(35kcal) A glass of orange juice(88kcal) Rice(216kcal) Beef(164kcal) Peas carrots (97kcal) Apple juice 1 glass(117cal) 50g(1.8oz) reduced fat hummus with veggie sticks(125kcal) A teaspoon each of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and raisins(240kcal) 2hrs at gym M3 Assess how the plan devised in P5 will meet the nutritional needs of the individual. The one week plan that I devised in P5 will help meet the nutritional needs of the individual the fact that, when I made another plan in P5 so that I could improve the nutritional content of the individual, I tried to make sure that at least I meant the daily calories that a person should have. Moreover, with the person not eating proper food or missing out meals, this will lead to reduced levels of blood sugar. For that reason, with the person having low levels of blood sugar, its most likely that this person will faint. Withal, the plan devised in P5 will help meet the nutritional needs of the individual as I had to make sure that in the plan, the person will have to have breakfast every day as this will affect this person physically. Thus, with the person taking breakfast every morning, she will be active and also be will have enough energy to carry out the tasks at work. Therefore, a person taking breakfast every morning is very crucial. Additionally, the plan I devised in P5, will definitely help the nutritional needs of the individual the fact that every meal that this person will be having, is rich in nutrients. For example, when it comes to lunch time and evening meals the person gets to have vegetables with her meals thus vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, with the person taking vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals, this will affect this persons health physically as the vitamins and minerals they help to regulate the processes such as cell growth and repair, reproduction and digestion as well as control the body fluids that come in and out of the cells of this individual. Furthermore, the plan that I devised in P5, will also help the nutritional needs of the individual in spite of the fact that this person will now have to do some activity such as going to the gym, walk to the park and also do some cycling. As a result, this will affect this persons health that she will not be at the risk of getting healthy problems such as becoming overweight or obese. In addition, with the person also doing some activities such as going to the gym, this person will be able to burn off some of the calories, in case if this individuals calories were more than what she should have. Moreover, the plan that I devised in P5 will also help the nutritional needs of the individual the fact that this person will be drinking more water regularly. Hence, with the person drinking water every day its very vital as water makes up 70% of the human body and also it will prevent a person from being dehydrated. Additionally, with the person also drinking water, the water will help to transport oxygen and nutrients through the blood and water is a major component of every body cell, tissue and organ. Lastly, the plan that I devised in P5 will also help the nutritional needs of the individual as I had to make sure that this person at least this person gets to have some healthy snacks. Withal, the person having healthy snacks this will affect the persons health physically as the healthy snacks help to keep the energy levels up and also they help to keep an individual full throughout the day without overeating at meals. Furthermore, with the person having healthy snacks such as apples and bananas, these are rich in vitamin C hence; these fruits are important for the immune system, teeth and wound healing. D2 Evaluate how the nutritional plan might improve the health of the chosen individual in P4 and P5. When it comes to the nutritional plan I did in P4 and P5, this might help to improve the health of the chosen individual the fact that I tried to make sure that in both the plans I did in P4 and P5, this person did physical activity. Thus with the person doing activity, this will benefit this persons health physically as he/ she will be at less risk of getting any healthy problems. However, when it comes to the plan I did in P4, the person did less physical activity and this will be less effective to this individuals health as he/she will be at risk of getting health problems. On the other hand, when it came to the plan I did in P5 where I had to improve the plan from the one I done in P4, I made sure that this individual attended the gym more regularly, did some cycling and also walked the dog to the park. As a result, with this individual doing these different activities, this will be affect his/her health physically as it will help him/her to control his/her weight, strengthen her bones and muscles, improve her mental health and mood as well reduce the risk of her getting health problems such as becoming overweight, getting diabetes or cardiovascular disease. The nutritional plan that I did in P4, it will also help to improve the individuals health the fact that I tried to make sure that a person had water and other fluids such as apple and orange juice. However, in P5 I had to make sure that had to improve the plan had made in P4 because the person never had more fluids regularly. For that reason, with a person having less fluids in his diet this will affect this individuals health physically as theres a high possibility this individual will be more likely to be dehydrated and also become constipated. Therefore, it is very crucial that a person take fluids more regularly the fact these fluids are rich in minerals as well as vitamins. Moreover, with the person drinking water its very important as water makes up 70% of the human body and also it will prevent a person from being dehydrated. Hence, the water also helps to transport oxygen and nutrients through the blood. Withal, the nutritional plan of P4 and P5 will help to improve the health of an individual as its recommended that a person needs to drink water. As a result, in both my nutritional plans had to make sure that this person had 2litres of water but I never met the daily intake of the water that is meant to be taken by an individual the fact that in both my plans it was less than 2litres of water. When it comes to the nutritional plan that I did in P4, I mad

Can the EU Serve as an Integration Model for ASEAN?

Can the EU Serve as an Integration Model for ASEAN? The age old saying of â€Å"there’s more than one way to skin a cat† has served as a clichà ©d phrase to adequately illustrate and paint the canvas of the archetypal process, exemplar standard or the perfect specimen isn’t the only path to success. This expression has been applicable as life advice, in competitive sports, career choices, as well as habitual daily-life in achieving greatness, the idiom has also lent to International Relations. Cooperation at any level is considered an achievement in all respectful fields; the ability to set aside differences, identify commonality for a purpose and the overlapping determination in reaching that ambition. The success of cooperating in International Relations takes the form of nation states coming together in alliance on the basis of commonality towards an ambitious goal, furthering into nation states in regions linking arms in pursuit for a collective objective. This profound bond is the grouping of nation states i n a region exuding behaviors as a collective who understand differences, identify common interests and strive towards a unified goal. The examples of regionalization would be of the European Union, the EU, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN. While the two regional groupings have been known to be successful, the level of integration between the two differ quite considerably. The EU’s level of integration furthers ASEAN by many folds; the ability to integrate not only areas for free trade, but the unification of the market, currency, common passport, a customs union and a commonality in foreign policy as a region all through a common institution. The overwhelming success of the European Union dwarfs that of ASEAN where the Asian counterpart has only been able to achieve integration regionally through free trade and economic movement. The difference in level of integration begs the question of whether the EU model has the ability to befit that of ASEAN and p rovide guidelines and prove to be exemplar in regional integration. To begin whether the EU model is capable of providing as a structural guideline for ASEAN, we inspect the circumstances of the purpose each integration from its origins, and examine the validity of the two then systematically determine whether the EU model is capable of befitting that of ASEAN to achieve paralleling success in the East. The integration of the European Union is herald as the greatest union of nation states in a region, highest achievement in integration of a common currency, customs union, single market, common passport and foreign policy under a common institution. The ability for the members to share sovereignty and surrender to a collective long-term goal of a regional cooperation above domestic interests creates a supportive environment in channeling political will. The European Union marked the pioneer for regional integration which exhibited a collective ideology of a ‘community approach’ rather than the traditional balance of power mode accrediting Robert Schuman of France and Konrad Andenauer of Germany. The collective to channel political will led to the construction of a legally binding common institution which oversaw the integration project. This Western model empowered the consensus approach with a pronged initiative of solidarity and tolerance by not isolating any member regarding major domestic issues of a banking crisis resulting in an increase in public debt. Greece represents the first test to the European Union’s Single currency resulting in a great increase in both public debt and deficit. The consensus approach meant that Union were hesitant in decision-makings as well as implementing policies until the vast majority of member states were pursued to collectively pursue and implement such policies. The process of proposals passed through the Working Party, then to the Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) then finally a Council configuration secures that a proposal befits the interests of the entire Union. The willingness to provide significant financial transfer to help poorer members catch up with the collective norm meant that stronger members in the Union saw the importance of financial weaker nation states and placed collective will power above domestic interests but meant a lag and a pull back on financial capabilities for further advancements. Under the leadership of France and Germany meant that Paris and Berlin were the driving force behind the EU integration, and under this leadership can attribute to the success of the integration itself in the ability for the two countries to overlook historical differences between the two and step together for a success of a better tomorrow. The critical element that make regionalism successful in Europe in achieving the European Union was the ability to push aside differences; the capability in reconciling historical pasts. With historical reconciliation, especially between France and Germany with a turbulent historical past of the war of 1870, the First and Second World War. The reconciliation brought the cohesion that allowed for the development of relationship building and the necessary political will for cooperation and ultimately integration. The achievement through years of sustained political effort from leaders of both countries paved way that facilitated the mend of commonality towards sculpting a regional community. This is a reflection of the European Union’s ability and ‘community approach’ and through a common institution of the European Econmic Community formed a Free Trade Area, instill a Customs Union that led to a Single Market and Single Currency. The regional cooperation of economics wasn’t the limit as foreign policy overlapped amongst the members which allowed for a common passport. These aspects and byproducts through political will in achieving an ambitious common goal forged an atmosphere of peace, prosperity and security in the European environment. With an ambitious idea seen through to the very end can prove to solidify and validate the EU model of integration especially in its historical record of responding to crisis. The validity of cooperation is tested in the face of turmoil and with such response by the European Union model, this integration has proved time and time again that in crisis it has responded astoundingly, as well establish mechanisms that eliminate repeating failures. Crisis that brought leveraged adversity namely the failed plan for a European Community in 1954 led to the creation of the European Economic Community, the EEC, the empty chair crisis of 1965 led to the de facto acceptance of the Qualified Majority Voting reflecting the consensus approach, QMV, and its eventual acceptance resulting in the 1986 Single European Act. A currency crisis of the 1980s birthed to the European Monetary System and ultimately the Euro, and finally the demise of communism in Europe led to the establishment of a common forei gn and security policy paving way for the widest enlargement EU members into the Union’s integration. In retrospect, there were many requirements that had to be met for numerous nation states to come together in unison linked by interests. Requirements that places the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to the test in its own integration. The process of the European integration may have had the head start and set an example to other regions for the strive for regionalism but the European Union isn’t without flaws, flaws that once examined may unveil why the Western model is ill suited for ASEAN. The European Union has been the most developed model of regional integration, although historically through common institutions and the sharing of sovereignty for problem solving, recent crises haven’t been handled well. Shaken by an economic and financial crisis, and the lack of a timely and coherent response to the Eurozone crisis called into question the integrity of the union and increased doubts of the integration process altogether. The financial crisis revealed structural and institutional fault lines which led to a decline of the Western orientated world power into one that gave rise to Asia and its market power. Mechanisms in place that aimed to reverse or buffer the effects of the economic and financial crisis were economic adjustments or austerity measures but came off as threatening towards domestic affairs. The adjustments allowed for the fragility of political cohesion and stability; the Lisbon Treaty, also known as the Reform Treaty, that replaced the European Constitution. One of major changes of the Lisbon Treaty will be the new president of the European council with two and half year term which will replace the current presidency rotating between member states every six months. Although the Lisbon Treaty sought a reform that would restructure leadership, it paved way for a failure that would undermine the integrity of the shared collective that the European union herald greatly. The obstacle that the Lisbon Treaty faced was that Ireland placed the Lisbon Treaty on referendum, and the Irish public did not accept the Treaty and rejected its ratification. With this wave of doubt in the ratification, the Czech Senate voted for the Lisbon but lacked the signatory approval of the Czech president, without such proved his Euro-Skeptic attitudes towards it sand fueled a demonstration of the Czech public who shared disapproval of this Treaty. With this apparent failure convinced the interests to stray away from any further institutional changes, â€Å"More Europe, no more.† This example explores that a regional restricting that a shared collective no longer spreads the region evenly, the region’s interest has slowly diminished and national interests have overtaken decisions made in this Union. Evident of this change of heart is Germany’s shift in perception, as one of the strongest advocate and champ of integration, Germany leaned towards the skeptic camp as well as issuing public doubts of the Eurozone. The growing urgency rising from the problems of the European Union is that rapid integration without commensurate strengthening of political and economic institutions. The emerging gaps can allow for lessons to be learned by other regional groupings in terms of institutional capacity and necessary coordination in integration. The challenges that follows of the EU integration can be accredited to fiscal coordination, amidst a worsening of economic outlook the reform adjustments to cleanse the financial system with austerity measures led to fragility of economies of EU member states like Greece, Spain, Portugal and renewed speculation in the financial market.   The second challenge that the European Union faces is a long-standing identity crisis, the Eurozone with 16 members, European Union members allotting at 27 issues a high number heterogeneity.   The attachment of European capital to national sovereignty and its reluctance to give power to Brussels for decision making lends to a decrease in the willingness to share sovereignty. On a recent note, at the Copenhagen climate change conference in December 2009, the EU inability to collectively voice at the conference revealed the Union’s weakness as an international actor. The conclusion of the conference ended with the EU agreeing to a deal that leaders of the region agreed that â€Å"no deal would have been a better deal†, endorsing a deal with no legal bindings, and an informal setting of promises to curb emissions speaks volumes on EU being unable to assert itself at the most critical juncture on the world stage and stains the legacy of its integration and its ability to conform to differences and shared sovereignty in the region. If the deal wasn’t endorsed, it would have rallied a collective of voices who share the sentiment that such a deal would make no changes to the environment. The European Union in many of its successes poses numerous present-day challenges that undermine the achievements of this regional integration, its inability to respond to difficulties of a financial crisis and the burdening increase of doubt spreading throughout the region on the crumble of an aligned collective interest. The Asian counterpart to the European Union is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, also known as ASEAN. When foreign ministers from Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore came together to sign the Bangkok Declaration on August 8th, 1976 it established this newly founded association, in hopes to manage and contain intra-regional conflicts. The Association grew to ten members with the additional Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. The goal extended to maintaining peace, and bringing stability in a community marred by war to ensure that each member is free to pursue domestic development in their respective nations. The success of ASEAN was the ability to house a community of nations whom were independent and sovereign with different historical pasts, multitudes in diversity of languages and beliefs and rarely any overlap of culture to peacefully co-exist. Aspects of diversifying historical pasts, and intra-regional conflicts didn’t hinder the forging of the association, the ten Southeast Asian nations were able to overcome suspicions of one another and set aside latent hostilities. ASEAN in its inception established a means of non-intervention and non-binding agreement, the inability to impose disciplines on any of its members. The approach to the ASEAN model is under the foundation of consultation and consensus which allows for a decision based on the majority before implementation. In attesting the ASEAN model, the process and approach to solving issues relies on the ‘ASEAN Way’ that reflects and respects cultural norms in Southeast Asia, â€Å"A working process or style that is informal and personal. Policymakers constantly utilize compromise consensus, and consultation in the informal decision-making process. Quiet diplomacy allows ASEAN leaders to communicate without bringing the discussions into the public view.† (Masilamni and Peterson) ASEAN did indeed progress but without flaws and missteps of their own, this Asian collective failed to resemble the progress of the EU with historical pasts unreconciled and still damaging relationships between Southeast Asian members. For example, the dispute of the Preah Vihear Temple located in Cambodia standing as a World Heritage site, struggled to resolve with Thailand. The historical site stands on Cambodian sovereignty but was under Thai occupation until Cambodia’s independence in 1954. The UN has granted that Thailand remove military personnel as the site rightfully belongs to Cambodia, this territorial dispute has sparks major clashes between the border of the neighboring Southeast Asian countries. One settled by the United Nations through the International Court of Justice but stands as contention between Cambodia and Thailand. Reconciliation hasn’t been an agenda between the two over a 900-year-old Hindu temple. Although there are territorial disputes, and misalignment in political institutions, ASEAN is by far the most advanced of cooperatives amongst the efforts to regional groupings, taking the EU not by emulation but by examples. The ability for ASEAN to adapt progress of the integration model of the EU into ASEAN applicable means plays homage to the ‘ASEAN way’ of doing things that are sometimes unorthodox and against the grain. An example of using the EU as an exemplar inspiration and not by example is regularly sending delegates to Brussels to seek ideas from the EU experience. In this admiration of inspiration of the ASEAN of the progress of the EU, displays elements that differ from the Asian Association to that of the European Union and how the Western model isn’t necessary applicable to befit the Asian. ASEAN establishes a strictly inter-governmental body, with no interest in or indication of relinquishing means to share sovereignty between the nation members, and additionally, for ASEAN to emulate the EU model would require the ASEAN members to prerequisite a certain set of requirements to progress into integration based the EU model. Requirements that predetermine that integration breeds mutual political will and shared beliefs in the success of the long-term goal of the high level of integration is historical reconciliation for ASEAN members. Reconciliation did not take place as the nations differed on many aspects for example†¦ Without such reconciliation, the necessary political will and shared belief towards a long-standing goal of integration on the merits of shared sovereignty diminished which led to the operations and leader of ASEAN to be one of inter-governmental rather than through a common institution. Although ASEAN has made innumerable declarations to emulate the European Union integration model, their words of rhetoric reflected in their actions as unmatched with their words. The present ASEAN development process poses a challenge to the traditional Anglo-Saxon capitalist models as it contested the reformed rules-based system of global governance. The pressure that the EU and the EU places on ASEAN members regarding labor, social environment, and human rights if seen through as a success in pressure assimilation, actually presents itself as a disadvantaging stage in the development of the Asian model if implemented as the model itself is far beyond Western pressures to curb issues. The ideology of ASEAN itself embodied the ‘ASEAN Way’, a means of consultation and consensus, similar to that of the EU model but in the Eastern agenda, practiced non-interference with non-binding agreements to accompany decisions made and policies to follow. The problem with an open-ended agreement meant no enforcement to curb behaviors and the inability to impose disciplines, essentially heavy-hearted words with empty actions to fulfill promises. ASEAN’s point of enlargement on taking new members in 1997 introduced members of Myanmar and Laos with the expectation to solve and contain regional problems with Myanmar at the time housed a closed economy with a military regime as leadership, economic crisis and cross-border pollution. The trifecta of expectations created the illusion of integration with the confidence between members but instead exhibited loose inter-governmental cooperation. Myanmar’s triple threat posed a threat to an initiating cooperative of its region members but ASEAN overlooked this threat and extended the membership regardless. â€Å"The incorporation of countries like Myanmar with its military regime and closed economy represented a new extreme in ASEAN’s diversity. This in itself would have tested the Association’s claim to deeper integration as ASEAN has not found a way to reconcile its breadth with its attempts to achieve a greater depth of integration† (Henderson 1999, 74-76). The ‘ASEAN Way’ became a means to avoid rather than solve issues and conflict, the complementing of informal operations and non-binding agreements imposed no tangible means of success and integration. The ASEAN Way in this examination doesn’t pose as a threat to the integration of its members but rather examined through a behavioral lens of informality in actions that isn’t present in the European Union attributes, the lack of formal operations and behaviors may ill-fit the EU model. The inceptions of the European Union juxtaposed with the later formation of ASEAN provides a historical overview on the ability in identifying commonalities and interests for the two groups of nations coming together as a collective. In their respective collectives, ASEAN and the EU share numerous elements that prove their successful integration, but having the EU being the ‘superior’ model lends the thought of the possibility to befit the Western model with the Eastern. With the two models explained and deciphered, we resume the suitability in befitting the EU model within the fixtures of the ASEAN structure. The two are known and documented as both eliciting economic integration and community building to both foster and maintain security as well as further economic development. The best description of ASEAN’s use of the existing EU model without imposition from the Union to befit guidelines would be â€Å"admiration, not emulation†, this pronounces volumes on the actions ASEAN have already undertaken from both the successes and failures of the European Union. The admiration and not emulation can be attributed to skepticisms especially with Brexit and the consequences of the post-event in addition to EU-style regional integration increases doubt on the validity of not the EU model but its emulated nature on ASEAN’s. ASEAN’s inability and latent behavior to reconcile historical past illustrates the initial step of ASEAN’s incapability in emulating the EU model. ASEAN has never been more unanimous on the need for greater integration, but the capacity to make the necessary domestic political and economic adjustments to implement the reforms that are necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of integration in uneven amongst the different ASEAN member states. The late former secretariat to ASEAN, Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, elaborated that the EU served as an inspiration for ASEAN but never a model. An inspiration to guide ASEAN rather than an imposed steer of how-to suggests a road heading to demise. Models in their generality suggest emulation but downplays learning, without learning it inhibits growth, change and innovation, emulation doesn’t produce lessons learned and nor does it generate dynamic innovators but rather passive mimics. ASEAN can adopt many aspects and successes of the European Union but merely as an inspiring element and not a full-fledged guide as the two entities differ in mannerisms, operations and behaviors in their procedures that hinder such transfer of mimicking. The ASEAN Way of operations is the mannerisms that prohibits such transfer of guidelines and procedural operations housed by the European Union, the Qualified Majority Vote suggests a similarity in the consensus approach but the backroom conferences secluded from the public by ASEAN members suggests differently. Emulation creates subjective benchmarks which allows for no feasible alternatives to the dominant model, in the case ASEAN and EU, the imposition of EU onto ASEAN breeds a form of Eurocentrism. The imposition by the EU regardless of validity of model strikes a force by the West onto Asia which romances dominance, although the European Union exhibits soft power with inclinations on intrinsic values, there are other means of assertion rather than projected imposition. The imposed force from the West, although in good intent to improve and expand markets in the East, presents itself as a dominant force by the West to ‘handle’ the East. This imposition and emulation of the EU model would have viewed as the West to overtake the East, and with the current rise of China, Asian nation states wish not to look beyond the Pacific for inspiration let alone a steer from elsewhere. The necessities that ASEAN must take in order to inspiringly succeed like the European Union and not simply emulate it would be to learn from the Union’s failures and adapting it to ASEAN in a manner than preserves inter-governmental operations as well promote unifying political will in attaining a long-term goal of sustained integration. An investment that ASEAN can consider follow in the footsteps of the Union would be placing national government’s interests of achieving long term goal of regional integration by all member states above domestic priorities. The push for integration should be one that synchronizes the public as well as the government that It is in their vital national interest to integrate. These elements ‘borrow’ the attributes that the European Union succeeds on and adapts it to the ASEAN model, this inspiration proves key points for ASEAN to improve in its own integration but suggests that the EU model needs improvement in order to be applied. The learning of the crisis in Europe that threatens the European Union fuels the need for ASEAN to take inspiration from the EU model rather than at total replicating. The merits of the European Union serve as inspiration for ASEAN integration and not as a total guideline for the Southeast Asian collective, the missteps and struggles of the EU model provides learning points for ASEAN to improve and implement, the successes of overcome historical differences between regional members provides reflection that differences in Southeast Asia are still prominent. The EU model holistically ill-fits the ASEAN model by the diversifying approach by the two collectives, the evolved formality of operations by each differ considerably and the approach to crisis cements that each deal with struggles in differently. The European Union still stands as the most successful regional collective to integrate upon a common goal, this Union presents itself as an exemplary model of both trials and tribulations of nations integrating, one that ASEAN views admirably and inspired. Success takes many forms and there is no single paved way to achieve it, the European Union represents one road to success and its success speaks volumes that outweigh their struggles that on the world stage provides lessons for inspired regions to integrate. As for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, it is adamant that ASEAN will make its own Way in achieving a high level of integration one that doesn’t mimic the EU model but mirrors in its success. Bibliography   The European Union as a Model for Regional Integration. Council on Foreign Relations. September 24, 2010. the EU be considered a model for ASEAN? East Asia Forum. August 05, 2017. Accessed January 02, 2018., Yeo Lay. 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